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. . . a plunk; a stumble; and now the pianist

at last nails the Tschaikovsky. All at once

the crazyquilt colors of practice clothes

collude kaleidoscopically, the dance


obliterates mere muscle, heavy lifting

translates to flight, and sublime locker room

aromas float off the dancers, wafting

our way to settle on us like perfume.


                        From “Rehearsal in Summer”

Jay Rogoff

Photo: Megan Mumford

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services."  

Dawkins & Dodger Architecture

“[Rogoff’s] poetry takes a visible art of movement and translates the feelings it evokes and the history it records into delicate words. . . . But Rogoff also has an amazing knack for the humor in humanity, as a slew of death-defying poems demonstrates.”

                                     -The Advocate

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